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Hello sports-fans, For the next few months we will trial a suspension of the 2AM Carnage event time slot. Instead, Carnage hosts will be available to host bonus events after the conclusion of the regularly scheduled Midnight Carnage event. A short history lesson: In the distant past, it was recognized that 2AM events had low attendance which made it difficult to dye proper, fair teams. For this reason they became an auto dyed, 1 round event. This change increased attendance, making them a sort of 'roll of the dice,' 'last chance' Carnage event before the night was over. While we could continue this 'tradition,' we want to give hosts and players the opportunity to try different late night events. We look forward to seeing where the experiment takes us, and whether we discover a different late night option that might provide more value to players. See you when the sun goes down, -Carnage team | |